Question Bank (Questions from BCA Papers)
Q1: Discuss the six elements of a computer and communications.
Q2: Explain the ethics of Information Technology.
Q3: Explain in detail about five types of applications software.
Q4: Enumerate the practical uses of communications and connectivity.
Q5: Explain in detail about Video Conferencing.
Q6: Discuss in detail about communications channels.
Q7: Explain the factors affecting data transmission.
Q8: Differentiate between compression and Decompression techniques.
Q9: Explain the following:
(i) Optical Disks
(ii) Magnetic Tapes.
Q10: Discuss in detail about File Management Systems.
Q11: Explain the different types of Database Organizations.
Q12: Describe the various generations of programming languages.
Q13: Write a short note on HTML.
Q14: Explain in detail about Internet Programming.
Q15: Write a short note on Java and ActiveX.
Q16: Explain briefly about the revolution in computers and communications.
Q17: Explain about specialized software.
Q18: Explain in detail about analog and digital signals.
Q19: Explain in detail about organizing data in secondary storage.
Q20: Discuss briefly about five Generations of programming languages.
Q21: Explain in detail about six phases of system analysis and design.
Q22: Write short notes on Internet programming and XML.
Q23: Explain working of a web browser.