Semester 1
1. Mathematics-IDifferential Equations (Maxima and Minima) - Q & A
2. Technical Communication
The aim of Technical Communication is to understand the correct use of the English Language and improve the Communication Skills of the students. The syllabus covers the following topics: Concepts and Fundamentals, Written Communication, Oral Communication, Soft Skills and Language Skills.7 C's of Effective Communication
Elements of a Business Letter
Business Communication Question Bank (Set-1)
Business Organization & Management (Question Bank-1)
Knowledge Management and New Economy
Macro Functions of Communication
Who is The Audience?
Attributes of Spoken and Written Communication
Who is The Audience?
Attributes of Spoken and Written Communication
3. Introduction to Programming Language Using 'C'
C-Programming: Important Questions Asked in BCA Sem 1 Examination
C Programs - Snippets - 1
C Programs - Snippets - 3
4. Introduction to Computers & IT
Fundamentals of ITPrinciples Of Information Technology
What is Cloud Computing?
FIT - End Term Question Paper (2013)
Types of Computers
Generations Of Computers
Useful Linux Commands
ROM, RAM and Cache Memory
Physics End Term Paper (2013)
Forms of Energy (Q & A)
Mechanics-Related Problems Asked in End-Term Papers
Gravitation - Understanding Mass and Weight
Gravitation - Kepler's Laws
5. Physics
Physics Question Bank for BCA Paper (109)Physics End Term Paper (2013)
Forms of Energy (Q & A)
Mechanics-Related Problems Asked in End-Term Papers
Gravitation - Understanding Mass and Weight
Gravitation - Kepler's Laws
Learn how nanotechnology is shaping our future.
6. Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Maths - Sample Question Paper
7. Web Technologies
Semester 2
1. Mathematics - II
Trees vs GraphsTypes of Set
Maths-II - End Term Question Paper (2015)
2. Principles Of Management
System Approach vs. Contingency Approach
Question Paper (2014)
POM End Term Paper (2015)
Management As Profession (Study Notes)
3. Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics Question Paper (2014)Basic Electronics Sample Question Paper (2023)
4. Data Structures Using C
Trees vs GraphsAssignment: Check Sparse Matrix
Data Structures Using C - End Term Paper (2015)
Abstract Data Type (Q & A)
Understanding Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
Data Structures Notes (Part 2) - Trees
Data Structures Notes (Part 3) - Trees
Data Structure Notes )Part 5) - Heap and Its Implementation
Data Structures Using C - End Term Paper (2017)
Stack, Queues, Lists - Question Bank (Set 1)
Data Structures Notes (Part 3) - Trees
Data Structure Notes )Part 5) - Heap and Its Implementation
Data Structures Using C - End Term Paper (2017)
Stack, Queues, Lists - Question Bank (Set 1)
5. Database Management System
Question Bank (Set-1)DBMS End Term Exam Paper (2014)
DBMS (Acronyms DSL, DCL, DML) Q & A
DBMS End Term Exam Paper (2015)
Database Concepts (Important Terms)
DBMS End Term Exam Paper (2015)
Database Concepts (Important Terms)
Semester 3
1. Mathematics- III
2. Computer Architecture
Basic Structure Of Computers (Q &A)
Question Paper Set-1 (2014)
Question Paper (2015)
Questions & Answers from Prev Exam Papers
3. Front End Design Tool VB.NET
MCQs On VB.NET4. Principles of Accounting
Accounting Fundamentals (Set-1)Principles of Accounting (Q & A) -1
Accounts Sample Question Paper (June 2022)
5. Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Question Bank on C++
Worksheet on C++
Q & A on Exception Handling
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-1)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-2)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-3)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-4)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-5)
Computer Fundamentals (MCQs)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-6)
Worksheet on C++
Q & A on Exception Handling
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-1)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-2)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-3)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-4)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-5)
Computer Fundamentals (MCQs)
Simple C++ Snippets (Part-6)
Semester 4
1. Mathematics -IV
2. Web Technologies
Short Q and A on HTML
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Javascript
Web Technologies Sample Question Paper
3. Java Programming
End Term Question Paper (2015)Java GUI Programming - Part-3 (Q & A)
Java - Basics Of Object-Oriented Programming (Q & A)
Java - Inheritance (Q & A)
4. Software Engineering
Software engineering is an engineering discipline, which is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification through to maintaining the software.Here are the question papers, and study notes available on SE:
SW Engineering Question Bank (Set-1)
Information System and Applications Development (Set-1)
SW Engineering Question Paper (2014)
SW Engineering End Term Paper (2017)
Software Configuration Management (Basic Terms)
Software Metrics (Study Notes)
Software Cost Estimation
Risks Associated With Software Development
Key Software Engineering Principles
5. Computer Networks
Computer Networks - Question Bank (Set-1)
Circuit Switching vs. Datagram vs. Virtual Circuit
Baseband vs. Broadband Transmission
Circuit Switching vs. Datagram vs. Virtual Circuit
Baseband vs. Broadband Transmission
Semester 5
1. Operating System
OS Question Bank (Set-1)OS Notes (Q & A on Deadlocks and Threats)
OS Notes (Fragmentation, Thrashing and Other Q & A)
Useful Linux Commands
2. Computer Graphics
Question Bank on Computer GraphicsEnd Term Examination Paper (2014)
End Term Exam Paper 2014 - Answers
End Term Exam Paper - 2014 - Answers - 1
End Term Exam Paper - 2014 - Answers - 2
Parallel Projections vs. Perspective Projections
Numericals on Transformations
Hidden Surface Removal Method
End Term Examination Paper (2015)
Raster Scan vs. Random Scan
3. E-Commerce
E-commerce End Term Examination (2014)Business Process Re-Engineering Phases
E-commerce End Term Q Paper (2015)
What is SSL?
E-Business ( Q & A Part-1) Study Notes
4. Software Testing
SW Testing Question Bank-1SW Testing End Term Exam Paper (2015)
Error, Fault/Defect, Failure and Incident (Terminology)
Software Testing Terms and Artefacts
10 Test Websites That Can Pay You Up to ₹50000 Per Month
Internet Programming Q Paper
Simple PHP File Handling Script
Web-Based Programming End Term Paper (2015)
Chapter 1: Introduction To PHP
Chapter 2: Introduction to PHP Programming and PHP Variables
5. Web-based Programming Using PHP
MCQs on PHPInternet Programming Q Paper
Simple PHP File Handling Script
Web-Based Programming End Term Paper (2015)
Chapter 1: Introduction To PHP
Chapter 2: Introduction to PHP Programming and PHP Variables
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Javascript
6. Business Economics
Semester 6
1. Data Ware Housing & Data Mining
Data Ware Housing & Data Mining Q Paper (2015)Data Ware Housing & Data Mining Solved Q Paper (2015)
DWDM End Term Paper (2016)
DWDM End Term Paper (2016 - Solved)
Data Ware Housing 2nd Minor Test Paper (2017)
DWDM End Term Paper (2017)
2. Mobile Computing
Question Bank-1
Mobile Computing End Term Q Paper (2015)
Mobile Computing (Q & A)
Mobile Computing End Term Paper (2016)
Mob. Comp. End Term Paper (2017)
3. Linux Environment
Unix and Shell Programming (Questions)Linux Environment Question Bank-1
Linux Fundamentals (Q & A)
Linux Boot Sequence
Understanding Runlevels
Salient Features of Linux OS
Linux Distros
Linux vs Unix
Linux Environment Minor Test Paper
Linux Partition (Q & A)
Linux Env End Term Paper (2014)
Linux Env - End Term Paper (2015)
Linux Env - End Term Paper (2016)
Linux Env - End Term Paper (2017)
Useful Linux Commands
4. Network Programming
5. Artificial Intelligence
General Purpose Machine Algorithms - A Summary
High-Dimensional Space and the Law of Large Numbers in Data Science
Multimedia and Its Apps - End Term Paper (2015)
Multimedia and Its Apps - Minor Test Paper (Feb 2017)
MM and Its Application - End Term Paper (2016)
MM and Its Applications - Enter Paper (2017)
Best MCA Colleges in India
Learn French, Spanish, and German in other Way
21 Colleges Affiliated with GGSIP offer MCA course
Unlocking the HR Interview: Insider Tips and Strategies
Python Programming Basics (MCQs) - YouTube Video
Python Basics (Q & A)
Python Basics (Q & A) Part-2
Python Basics - Variables (Q & A)
Python Basics - Literals (Q & A)
Python Basics - Augmented Assignment Operators
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-1)
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-2)
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-1) Q & A
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-2) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part - 1) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-2) Q & A
Python Pandas (Q & A) Part-1
Python Pandas (Q & A) Part-2
Data Handling Using Pandas-1 (MCQs)
6. Multimedia & Its Applications
Macintosh vs WindowsMultimedia and Its Apps - End Term Paper (2015)
Multimedia and Its Apps - Minor Test Paper (Feb 2017)
MM and Its Application - End Term Paper (2016)
MM and Its Applications - Enter Paper (2017)
Best MCA Colleges in India
Learn French, Spanish, and German in other Way
21 Colleges Affiliated with GGSIP offer MCA course
Unlocking the HR Interview: Insider Tips and Strategies
Python Basics
Python Basics (Q & A)
Python Basics (Q & A) Part-2
Python Basics - Variables (Q & A)
Python Basics - Literals (Q & A)
Python Basics - Augmented Assignment Operators
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-1)
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-2)
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-1) Q & A
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-2) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part - 1) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-2) Q & A
Python Pandas (Q & A) Part-1
Python Pandas (Q & A) Part-2
Data Handling Using Pandas-1 (MCQs)