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Basic Electronics - BCA - Sample Question Paper #ipumusings #bcapapers

BCA Sample Question Paper


Basic Electronics - BCA - Sample Question Paper  #ipumusings #bcapapers

Time  1½ Hours                                                                                         Maximum Marks,' 70



(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note:- Answer any four questions. As per the nature of the question delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or a maximum of up to 30 words. Each question carries 3½ marks.

  1. (i) Define Electric Current.
  2. (ii) What is Zener Diode?
    (iii) What is Transistor?
    (iv) Name different types of Universal Gates.
    (v)What is a light-emitting diode?
    (vi) What is Register?
    (vii) What do you mean by Encoder?
    (viii) Name the three possible transistor actions.


    (Short Answer Type Questions)

    Note:- Answer any four questions. The answer should be 200 words or less. Each question carries 14 marks.

  1. Explain the potential divider method in detail. How is the stabilisation of the operating point achieved by this method?

  2. Describe the construction and characteristics of P channel enhancement MOSFET. Also, define the threshold voltage.

  3. Draw the circuit diagram of a two-stage RC coupled FET amplifier and its equivalent. Also, analyse it to obtain its gain bandwidth product.

  4. Explain the minimization through K-map for the term:
                               F= ABCD + ABCD + ABCD +ABCD + ABCD

  5. Explain the superposition's theorem with an example.

  6. Describe the functioning of a single-phase induction motor with a neat and clean diagram.

  7. Explain the action of a transistor as an amplifier. Derive an expression for current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance in terms of h parameters.

  8. Describe the intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors with a neat and clean diagram.


👉See Also:

Digital Electronics Question Paper (2014)