* Sample Question Papers from other universities are also available here.Semester1
1. Discrete Mathematics
Trees vs Graphs2. Programming in C
End Term Paper (2015)3. Principles and Practices Of Management
End Term Question Paper (2015)
System Approach vs Contingency Approach
4. Computer Organization
End Term Question Paper (2015)LAN vs WAN
Types of Computer
Generations Of Computers
Computer Fundamentals and System Software
MCA - 101 Sample Question Paper (June 2022)
Attributes of Spoken and Written Communication
5. Communication Skills
Who Is The Audience?Attributes of Spoken and Written Communication
Semester 2
1. Data and File Structure
Assignment: Check Sparse MatrixAbstract Data Type (Q & A)
Data Structures Notes (Part 3) - Trees
Data Structures Notes (Part 4) - AVL Trees
Data Structure Notes )Part 5) - Heap and Its Implementation
Data and File Structure - End Term Paper (2016)
Stack, Queues, Lists - Question Bank (Set 1)
2. Object-Oriented Programming In C++
OOPS C++ End Term Paper (2016)Structured Programming vs Object-Oriented Programming
3. Operating System
OS End Term Paper (2016)OS End Term Paper (2014)
Useful Linux Commands
4. Database Management System
DBMS End Term Paper (2016)5. Software Engineering
Software engineering encompasses a process, management techniques, technical methods, and the use of tools to develop software. It provides the specification, development, management, and evolution of software systems, not constrained by materials governed by physical laws or manufacturing processes.
SE End Term Paper (2016)
SE End Term Paper (2015)
Software Configuration Management (Basic Terms)
Software Metrics (Study Notes)
Software Cost Estimation
Semester 3
1.Semester 4
1. Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technologies
Parallel Projections vs Perspective ProjectionsNumericals on Transformations
Hidden Surface Removal Method
Raster Scan vs Random Scan
Cavalier vs Cabinet Projections
2. Design and Analysis Of Algorithms
Understanding Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
3. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
The objective of the course is to give students a detailed understanding of processes and techniques for building large object-oriented software systems. To develop skills to evolve object-oriented systems from the analysis, to design, to implement and understanding of most of the major object-oriented technologies including basic OO concepts, processes, languages, databases, user interfaces, frameworks, and design patterns.
4. Data Warehousing / Data Mining and Business Intelligence
1. Data Preparation (Questions and Answers)Semester6
Python Basics
Python Basics (Q & A)
Python Basics (Q & A) Part-2
Python Basics - Variables (Q & A)
Python Basics - Literals (Q & A)
Python Basics - Augmented Assignment Operators
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-1)
Python Basics - String Manipulation (Part-2)
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-1) Q & A
Python Basics - List Manipulation (Part-2) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part - 1) Q & A
Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-2) Q & A
Scatter Plot using Matplotlib