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BCA-312 Artificial Intelligence - End Term Examination Paper - May-June 2018 #ipumusings #ggsipu #bcapapers

BCA-312 Artificial Intelligence - End Term Examination Paper - May-June 2018 

END TERM EXAMINATION [BCA] MAY Jun 2018 Paper Code: BCA312 _ _ Subject: Artificial Intelligence Time: 3 Hours  Maximum Marks: 75  Note: Attempt five questions in all including which is compulsory.  Select one question from each unit. Q1 Write short notes [Any five]			(5x5=25) (a) Heuristic Approach (b) Task domain (c) Expert System (d) Hill Climbing (e) Role Learning (f) Robotic Architecture (g) DFS (Depth First Search)  Unit I Q2(a) What is the importance of Artificial Intelligence? Describe it. (6.5) (b) Discuss issues in design of search program. (5)  Q3: (a) Explain the various categories of Production System. (6) (b) What are the elements of AI? Discuss various Application areas of AI.(6.5)  UNITII Q4: What are the qualities of a good Knowledge Representation System?(6)  (b) What is predicate logic? How Knowledge Representation can be achieved using predicate logic? lllustrale. (6.5)  Q5 (a) Differentiate between Inheritable Knowledge & Infrential Knowledge.(6)  (b) Describe mapping between facts a» representation. (6.5)  UNIT III Q6: (a) Describe Natural Language Processing. Explain various types of NLP techniques. (6)  (b) What is learning? Explain how Ieaming is helpful for Al? (6.5)  Q7 (a) Comparison between Syntactic Processing & Semantic Processing (6.5) (b) Explain discourse & pragmatic processing. (6)  UNIT IV Q8 Why LISP is considered to be appropriate language for AI technique? Write a LISP program to print factorial of a given number. (12.5)  Q9: What is an Expert System? What are the characteristics of a good Expert System? Explain MYCIN expert system. (12.5)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. According to the current system of classification, there are four primary AI types: reactive, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-aware.

The syllabus covers the following topics:
1. Overview of A.I, Heuristic search techniques
2. Knowledge representation, Predicate Logic
3. Natural language processing and Learning Systems
4. Expert Systems and LISP & other AI programming languages.

Textbook: E. Rich and K. Knight, "Artificial intelligence", TMH, 2nd ed.

Here is End Term Examination Paper (May-June 2018)

[BCA] MAY Jun 2018
Paper Code: BCA312 _ _ Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3 Hours 
Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Attempt five questions in all including which is compulsory.

Select one question from each unit.
Q1 Write short notes [Any five] (5x5=25)
(a) Heuristic Approach
(b) Task domain
(c) Expert System
(d) Hill Climbing
(e) Role Learning
(f) Robotic Architecture
(g) DFS (Depth First Search)

Unit I
Q2(a) What is the importance of Artificial Intelligence? Describe it. (6.5)
(b) Discuss issues in the design of the search program. (5)

Q3: (a) Explain the various categories of the Production System. (6)
(b) What are the elements of AI? Discuss various Application areas of AI.(6.5)

Q4: What are the qualities of a good Knowledge Representation System?(6)

(b) What is predicate logic? How Knowledge Representation can be
achieved using predicate logic? illustrate. (6.5)

Q5 (a) Differentiate between Inheritable Knowledge & Inferential Knowledge.(6)

(b) Describe mapping between facts a» representation. (6.5)

Q6: (a) Describe Natural Language Processing. Explain various types of NLP techniques. (6)

(b) What is learning? Explain how Leaming is helpful for Al? (6.5)

Q7 (a) Comparison between Syntactic Processing & Semantic Processing (6.5)
(b) Explain discourse & pragmatic processing. (6)

Q8 Why LISP is considered to be the appropriate language for AI techniques? Write a LISP program to print factorial of a given number. (12.5)

Q9: What is an Expert System? What are the characteristics of a good Expert System? Explain the MYCIN expert system. (12.5)

END TERM EXAMINATION [BCA] MAY Jun 2018 Paper Code: BCA312 _ _ Subject: Artificial Intelligence Time: 3 Hours  Maximum Marks: 75  Note: Attempt five questions in all including which is compulsory.  Select one question from each unit. Q1 Write short notes [Any five]			(5x5=25) (a) Heuristic Approach (b) Task domain (c) Expert System (d) Hill Climbing (e) Role Learning (f) Robotic Architecture (g) DFS (Depth First Search)  Unit I Q2(a) What is the importance of Artificial Intelligence? Describe it. (6.5) (b) Discuss issues in design of search program. (5)  Q3: (a) Explain the various categories of Production System. (6) (b) What are the elements of AI? Discuss various Application areas of AI.(6.5)  UNITII Q4: What are the qualities of a good Knowledge Representation System?(6)  (b) What is predicate logic? How Knowledge Representation can be achieved using predicate logic? lllustrale. (6.5)  Q5 (a) Differentiate between Inheritable Knowledge & Infrential Knowledge.(6)  (b) Describe mapping between facts a» representation. (6.5)  UNIT III Q6: (a) Describe Natural Language Processing. Explain various types of NLP techniques. (6)  (b) What is learning? Explain how Ieaming is helpful for Al? (6.5)  Q7 (a) Comparison between Syntactic Processing & Semantic Processing (6.5) (b) Explain discourse & pragmatic processing. (6)  UNIT IV Q8 Why LISP is considered to be appropriate language for AI technique? Write a LISP program to print factorial of a given number. (12.5)  Q9: What is an Expert System? What are the characteristics of a good Expert System? Explain MYCIN expert system. (12.5)

👉See Also:
AI End Term Q Paper (2014)
General Purpose Machine Algorithms - A Summary