IPU BBA Semester 3: Organisational Behaviour Question Paper (2014)
(Dec 2014 /Jan, 2015)
Organisational Behaviour
[BBA-201, BBA(B&I)201,BBA(TTM)-201, BBA (MOM)-201]
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks:75
Note: Attempt any five questions including Q. No.1 which is compulsory.
Question 1: Write shorts notes on any three of the following:
(a) Ego states
(b) Group think and group shift
(c) Empowerment
(d) ABC model of Attitude
Question 2: Discuss in detail the various models of OB. What are the challenges faced by managers today in organization while dealing with employees?
Question 3: Discuss briefly the attribution theory of perception? what types of perceptual errors are made? Explain with examples from organization.
Question 4: Differentiate between groups and teams? How can an effective team be build and managed?
Question 5: What are the manifestations of culture of an organization? How socialization process helps in adapting to the culture of an organization?
Question 6: Explain the models of change with examples.
Questions 7: What are the sources and types conflicts? How they can be resolved through conflict resolution techniques?