IPU BBA Semester 3: Organisation Behaviour (End Term Examination Paper 2009)
Paper Code: BBA-201/ BBA(TTM)201/ MOM/B&I-201
Organisational Behaviour
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1: Define organization behavior. Explain challenges and opportunities faced by managers to use concept of organization behavior in today’s competitive scenario.
Question 2: Explain various disciplines contributing in the field of organization behavior. Also discuss why there is need to understand human behaviour?
Question 3: What is reinforcement. What types of reinforcement could be employed by the managers to make the employees learn new behavior?
Question 4: Write shot notes on.
(a) Life positions
(b) Ego status
(c) Process of perception
Question 5: Both formal and informal groups are necessary for group activities just as two blades are essential to make a pair of scissors workable. Do you agree with this view? What should be attitude of the management towards informal groups?
Question 6: Differentiate between team and group. Explain in details various types of teams found in organizations.
Question 7: Define conflict. What are the major sources of conflicts and how conflicts can be resolved.
Question 8: Write shot notes on:
(a) Empowerment
(b) Managing cross culture