IPU MCA Semester 1 - Principles and Practices Of Management - End Term Question Paper (2015)
(MCA 109)
Question 1: Answer briefly
(a) Clearly explain the significance of Management? Distinguish between management and Administration ?
(b) “Job enlargement and Job enrichment are important means of motivating job-holders to achieving higher productively and derive job satisfaction. Explain?
(c) Distinguish between formal and informal Communication?
(d) “ Management is getting things done through other people “ Is this definition adequate for the present day concept of management?
(e) Explain the concept of Corporate Social responsibility and role of business ethics in business?
(f) Explain the internal and external forces of organizational change?
(g) What is mean by training? How it is different from development?
(h) What do you understand by matrix organization?
(i) Explain David McClelland's Three need theory?
(j) Delegation of Authority and responsibility?
Question 2:
(a) Explain the skills required by a manager for getting things done from others?
(b) What are the features of contingency approach and System Approach in management?
Question 3:
(a) “Management is regarded as an art by same and science by others and exact science by many more. The truth seems to be somewhere in between” in the light of this statement explain the nature of management?
(b) “Fayol was of the opinion that his principle are not only applicable to business organizations but could be applied to social, political, religious and other organization also with the same degree of clarity and success.” Discuss and give arguments for the against universally concept.
(c) Why can an event such as Hawthorne studies be a major turning point in the history of management even if the idea is later shown to be in error? Discuss?
Question 4:
(a) Compare Line, functional and line and staff organization? Which of these will be appropriate for a large manufacturing enterprise?
(b) What do you mean by decision making? Briefly describe the steps involved in the process of decision making?
Question 5:
(a) Difference between the nature of short and long term planning? Explain five barriers of effective planning?
(b) programmed and Non Programmed Decisions?
(c) Write a short note on Span of control?
Question 6:
(a) How does McGregor theory X and theory Y of human behavior help motivation of employees? Which one is applicable in India? Do you think an integrated approach and mixture of these theories may be more effective in our country?
(b) Distinguish between recruitment and selection of employees. Explain in brief the selection procedure followed by an industrial organization with which you are familiar?
Question 7:
(a) Explain Abraham Maslow's motivation theory based on hierarchy of needs and Fredrick Herzberg two factor theories. Which of the theory you prefer in Indian context and why?
(b) Explain the significance of performance appraisal? What are the different methods of performance appraisal?
Question 8:
(a) Leaders decides the future of organization. Different leadership style exists among leaders in different times and in different situations.” Discuss and give the important leadership style?
(b) Explain the importance of Control in a business enterprise. Discuss the process of control, What are the requirements of control system?
Question 9:
(a) Explain the concept of total quality management? Describe elements and importance?
(b) What are the organizational changes often resisted by individuals and group within the organization? How can such resistance can be prevented or overcome?