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IPU BTech Semester 1 - Applied Chemistry-1 (End Term Q Paper 2015)




Time : 3 hours                   Maximum Marks:75

Note: Attempt any five questions including Q. No.1 which is compulsory.

Question 1: Attempt any five of the following:

(a) Explain Octane and Cetane number by chemical structure.

(b) Explain the determination of Calorific value by Boy’s Calorimeter.

(c) Write principle of EDTA method for determination of hardness of water.

(d) OH- and HCO-3cannot present together in a water sample. Why? Explain with reaction.

(e) Define the terms Phase, Component and Degree of Freedom.

(f) Discuss the effect of Temperature and pH on the activity of Enzymes.

(g) What do you mean by auto-catalysis? Explain with example.

(h) Write short note on pilling bed worth ratio.

Question 2:

(a) Describe the manufacture of metallurgical coke by Otto Hoffman method.

(b) What is the significance of Ash, Moisture and Volatile matter present in a coal sample?

(c) Calculate the minimum amount of air required for complete combustion of 100 kg of coal sample having the following composition: C=84%, H=9%, N=2%, S=1.5% and O=3.5%.

Question 3:

(a) What are ion-exchange resins? How are they used for softening of water, explain with reactions and diagram? How can they be regenerated after getting exhausted?

(b) Calculate the Lime (84%pure) and Soda (92%pure) required for treatment of 50000 litres of water containing Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 ppm, Mg(HCO3)2=36.5 ppm, MgSO4=30.0 ppm, CaSO4=34 ppm ,CaCl2 =27.75 ppm and NaCl=10.0 ppm.

Question 4:

(a) Explain Adsorption theory of catalysis. Which step is the rate determining step?

(b) Define positive and negative catalyst and give examples of each.

(c) Derive the rate expression for the following acid catalyst reaction.
HA+S  ↔  H+ + SA fast
            SA + H2O → product slow
Where H2O is the solvent. Discuss different cases.

(d) Explain the mechanism of hydrogenation of alkenes by using Wilkinson catalyst.

Question 5:

(a) What is corrosion of meals? Describe the mechanism of electro-chemical corrosion by hydrogen evolution and by oxygen absorption.

(b) Impure metals corrode faster than pure metal under identical conditions. Give reasons.

(c) Write short note on Electroplating and Electroless plating.

Question 6:

(a) Write condensed Phase rule and explain why is it used for two component systems.

(b) Discuss the applications of Eutectic mixtures. (atleast 3).

(c) Determine the number of components and number of phases for the following:
       (i) H2O(5)==H2O(1)
       (ii) NH4Cl(s)===NH3(g), if NH3 is in excess.

(d) If 50 ml of a sample of hard water consumed 15 ml of 0.01 M EDTA. What is the hardness of water?

Question 7:
(a) What is caustic embrittlement? Explain its causes and prevention.

(b) What are the methods of water suffering of by external treatment?

Question 8:
(a) What happens and why
(i) Iron sheets gets eroded, when riveted with copper rivets.
(ii) An iron pole is party buried under earth.
(iii) Zinc plate fixed base the ship
(b) Write a short note on soil corrosion and its control.

Question 9:
(a) Write short note on the following:
(i) Electroplating
(ii) Electroless plating
(iii) Corrosion inhibitors
(iv) Cathodic protection
(v) Galvanie corrosion.