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IPU BBA Semester 6 - Environmental Science - End Term Paper 2015


Six Semester [BBA] 
Paper Code: BBA 312 / BBA(MOM)312

Subject: Environmental Science

IPU BBA Semester 6 - Environmental Science - End Term Paper 2015

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75

Note: Attempt all five questions as directed. Internal choice is indicated.

Question 1: Multiple Choice Questions

a) Indus Water Treaty is in between (2)

(i)  India and Bangladesh
(ii) India and Afghanistan
(iii)India and China
(iv) India and Pakistan

b) The major greenhouse gas is: (2)

(i) CFC
(ii) CO₂
(iv) Freon

c) The state of India with maximum percentage of its area covered by forest is: (2)

(i) Rajasthan
(ii) Bihar
(iv) Madhya Pradesh

d) Percentage of the volume of fresh water available for human use in the hydrosphere (2)

(i) 0.3
(ii) 1.7
(iv) 2.5

e) World Environment Day is celebrated on: (2)

(i) September 5
(ii) July 5
(iii) June 5
(iv) May 5

f) Major coal resources in India are located in: (2)

(i) Himalayas
(ii) Central and Eastern India
(iii) South India
(iv) Western India

g) Major component of biogas is:  (2)

(i) Butane
(ii) Methane
(iii) Propane
(iv) Ethane .

h) Scientist known as “Father of Green Revolution” in India is: (2)

(i) B.P. Pal
(ii) M.S. Swaminathan
(iii) T.N. Khosoo
(iv) Norman E. Borlaug

i) Write short notes on the following:— (9)

(i) Stockholm conference
(ii) Kyoto protocol
(iii) Sustainable development

Question 2:
Define ecosystems and elaborate various kinds of ecosystem. (12.5)
Elucidate on sustainability development by elaborating its social, economic and environmental aspects. (12.5)

Question 3:
Explain baseline studies in EIA with examples. (12.5)
Give salient features of Environmental protection acts. (12.5)

Question 4:
Classify air pollution into different categories indicating their sources and effect on human health. (12.5)


Discuss major sources of ground water and surface water pollution citing examples. Discuss various methods of water conservation. (12.5)

Question  5:
Explain solid waste management. What are the precautions to be taken to manage hazardous and bio-medical waste? (12.5)

Define various levels of biodiversity in terms of genetic, species and ecosystem diversities. (12.5)