IPU BCA Semester 6 - Linux Environment - End Term Paper (2016)
Paper Code: BCA-306
Subject: Linux Environment
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Question 1:
Answer any five of the following questions briefly. (5 × 5 = 25)
(a) Write short notes on different Linux graphical environments.
(b) Write down the function of 'awk' filter and how it is different from the 'sed'?
(c) Describe the architecture of Linux kernel in detail.
(d) What are the multiple uses of 'cat' command? Explain with examples.
(e) How mounting and unmounting is performed in Linux. Explain with example.
(f) What is the role of GRUB in the booting process of Linux?
(g) What are kernel debuggers in Windows and Linux?
Question 2:
(a) Write down the commands for file and directory management in Linux? (6)
(b) Describe the architecture of Linux and how it is different from other operating systems? (6.5)
Question 3:
(a) What is journaling? Explain the various types of Journaling along with their uses? (6)
(b) What are parameters wise differences between UNIX and LINUX?
Question 4:
(a) What the features of vi editor? How we create and execute shell script by Vim? (6)
(b) What are the permission modes for a file in Linux? How we represent the permission mode for a file in Linux? Write down commands for changing the permission for owner and group user for a file? (6.5)
Question 5:
(a) What is a pipe? How do we use pipe to connect processes in Linux? List out the use of pipe with redirection of input and output. (6)
(b) Explain the concept of inode in Linux. What is the significance of inode with directory? Exaplain with examples (6.5)
(a) What is awk? What is the significance of selection criteria and action component of awk filter? Write down the commands for splitting a line into field and format the output by using awk. (7.5)
(b) Explain the following commands with example: (5)
ⅰ su
ⅱ suid
ⅲ sgid
ⅳ cut
ⅴ paste
Question 7:
(a) What is an environment variable? Explain different types of environment variables with thier uses in Linux? (8)
(b) What are internal commands used by sed filter? Explain with example. (6.5)
Question 8:
(a) Explain the kernel process management in details. (7.5)
(b) Explain the following commands with example: (5)
ⅰ ps
ⅱ top
ⅲ pstree
ⅳ nice
ⅴ renice
Question 9:
(a) Explain various system calls in Linux with example. (6)
(b) What is a kernel? Explain the role and components of kernel in detail. (6.5)