IPU MCA Second Semester - Object Oriented Programming In C++ (End Term Paper 2016)
Paper Code: MCA-104
Subject: Object Oriented Programming In C++
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions including Question 1 which is compulsory.
Question 1: Answer the following:
(a) Write a brief history about C++. Explore its formulation and applicability. (7)
(b) What is object oriented programming (OOP)? (6)
(c) Explain briefly the features of OOP. (6)
(d) Differentiate between C and C++ (6)
Question 2:
(a) Differentiate between Encapsulation and Abstraction (5)
(b) What is meant by message passing and dynamic binding? (7.5)
Question 3:
(a) What is polymorphism? Explain with an example. (5)
(b) What are pointers? Explain their usage with an example. (7.5)
Question 4:
(a) What are different types of operators in C++? (5)
(b) Elaborate constructors and destructors. Discuss their types. (7.5)
Question 5:
(a) What are access modifiers and scope resolution operator? Provide and example for each. (7.5)
(b) Explain friend function quoting an example. (5)
Question 6:
(a) Define inheritance. Explore the types of inheritance. (7.5)
(b) What are different types of polymorphism supported in C++ (5)
Question 7:
(a) Quote an example of input procedures in relevance to files. (5)
(b) What are exceptions? Explain the exception management. (7.5)
Question 8:
(a) What is generic programming? (5)
(b) Elaborate classes, data structures and functions in the view of generic programming. (7.5)
Question 9:
(a) Exemplify binary search using template function. (7.5)
(b) Write short note on Standard Template Library (STL) (5)