IPU BCA/MCA - Java Programming - Java vs C (#ggsipuBCANotes)
Java vs C
① Java has similarities to both C and C++,but it is neither upwardly nor downwardly compatible with both.
② C is a structured language, Java is purely object-oriented.
③ Java does not have C unique keywords like goto, sizeof and typedef.
④ C creates applications, Java creates both applications and applets.
⑤ Java unlike C does not have the data types struct, union and enum.
⑥ Java Java does not have the type modifiers auto, extern, register, signed and unsigned
⑦ Java does not support pointers.
⑧ Java does not have any pre-processor directives like #define, #include etc.
⑨ Java has no mechanism for defining variable arguments to functions.
⑩ Java adds new operators like instanceof and >>>.
⑪ Java adds labeled break and continue statements.
⑫ Java adds many OOP features not present in C.