IPU BCA Semester 3: Front End Design Tool VB.NET(Sample Question Paper-2012)
Third Semester Front End Design Tool VB.NETBCA-205 DECEMBER 2012
Time: 3:00 hours M.M.: 75
Note: Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any one question from each unit.
Q1: (a) What is the difference between Private, Public and Protected?
(b) What is the difference between InputBox( ) and MsgBox( ) methods?
(c) Write any five methods of String Class with syntax and usage.
(d) Explain the components of IDE?
(e) Differentiate between 2-Tier and 3-Tier Client Server Model.
(f) Define Abstraction, Encapsulation and Polymorphism
(g) Explain the function of Timer Control.
(h) What is the difference between PictureBox( ) and ImageBox( ) methods?
(i) What do you mean by exception handling and why is it done in programs?
(j) What is collection?
Q2: (a) Explain the Common Type Specification in detail.(b) Explain Assembly and its use.
(c) How does the garbage collector work?
Q3: (a) Explain the Common Language Specification.
(b) Explain the role of Base Class Library.
(c) Write short note on MSIL.
Q4: (a) Write the syntax of all loop structure available in VB.net along with an example.
(b) What are Arguments? Differentiate between Call by value and Call by reference? Explain different types of Arguments.
Q5: (a) What do you mean by Integrated Development Environment. Explain its various components.
(b) Write a program to compute roots and determine the nature of roots of a quadratic equation where user should provide the value of a, b and c. (whereas the equation is in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0)
(c) Write any five conversion methods along with their use.
(b) What is ListBox control? Explain any 10 properties of ListBox. Write a program that takes a number and display the table of input number in a ListBox.
Q7: (a) Explain the following controls.
(i) List View
(ii) Status bar
(iii) Timer Control
(b) Explain MsgBox( ) and InputBox( ) and its syntax.
(b) What is crystal report? What are the advantages of crystal report? Write the steps to generate crystal report.
Q9: (a) Write a short note on the following:
i. ADO.Net Object Model.
ii. Dataset
iii. Data binding and Data Bound Controls.
(b) What do you mean by Data Adapter? Explain the procedure to create dataset from the data adapter and updating with data adapters.