GGSIPU BTech Semester 3: Applied Mathematics-III - Sample Question Paper (#ipumusings)
BCA/MCA/BTech- Maths
Applied Mathematics-III
End Term Examination 2017
Question Paper
Applied Mathematics-III
End Term Examination 2017
Question Paper
Applied Mathematics comprises of the following units :
Unit 1Laplace Transformation: In the following unit, you shall learn about how to solve differential equations using Laplace transformations. The unit includes Laplace transformations, inverse transformations, shifting theorems, convolution etc.
Unit 2
Fourier series and Integrals: In this unit, you will learn to transform any function to a periodic function and solve it easily by Fourier series. The unit includes periodic functions, Fourier series, half range expansions etc.
Unit 3
Partial Differential Equations: In this unit, you will learn to solve linear/non-linear partial differential equations of first and second order. The unit includes charpit's method, separation of variables, heat and wave equations etc.
Unit 4
Numerical Methods: In this unit, you shall learn the use of numerical methods for solving various problems. This unit includes iteration, interpolation, linear equations solving with the numerical method.
Recommended books for the course :
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Grewal B.S
3. Numerical Analysis by Akai T J
3. Numerical Analysis by Akai T J
Recommended Text Books are:
1. Gould and Lazear Micro Economic Theory; (Buy and Read Book)