BBA - Principles of Management - Sample Question Paper (June 2022) #ipumusings #bbapaper #bbanotes
BBA - Principles of Management - Sample Question Paper (June 2022)
BBA-01 June - Examination 2022
BBA (1st Year) Examination
Principles of Management - Paper : BBA-01
Time: 1½ Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note:- The question paper is divided into two Sections A and B. Write answers as per the given instructions.
Section-A 4×3½ = 14 marks
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note:- Answer any four questions. As per the nature of the question delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 3½ marks.
(i) Define 'Management' .
(ii) Write any two operating functions of management.
(iii) What is classical approach to management?
(iv) What is Corporate Planning?
(v) What do you mean by Strategic Decisions?
(vi) What do you mean by Line Organization?
(vii) What do you mean by Principle of Direct Supervision?
(viii) What is Job Specification?
Section-B 4×14=56
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer any four questions. Answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 14 marks.
2. Are 'Management' and 'Administration' synonymous? Discuss the various viewpoints and conclude.
3. Describe the various interpersonal, informational and decisional roles of managers suggested by Mintzberg.
4. "To be effective, planning requires some systematic principles". Comment and discuss major planning principles.
5. "MBO encourages self-control and self management". Explain. Also discuss the process of MBO.
6. "Decision making is the essence of management." Discuss this statement in the light of the importance of decision making in industries.
7. Define the term delegation and discuss the factors affecting delegation of authority in business organization.
8. Explain in detail the Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.
9. "Coordination is the essence of management." Elaborating this statement explain the importance of coordination.