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Database Management Systems (Set-1)

Database Management Systems (Set-1)

DBMS Questions appeared in BCA papers.

Q1: A university registrar's office maintains data about the following entities:
(i) Course, including number, title, credits, syllabus and prerequisites
(ii) Course offering, including course number, year, semester, section number, instructor(s), timings and classroorn
(iii) students, including student-id, name and program
(iv) Instructors, including identification number, name, department and title.

Further, the enrolment of students in courses and grades awarded to students in each course they are
enrolled for must be appropriately modeled.

Construct an E = R diagram for the Registrar's office. Document all assumptions that you make
about the mapping constraints

Q2: Discuss the three level architecture of DBMS. Explain how does it lead to data independence

Q3: With the help of an example, explain the inverted file organization.

Q4: What is a view? Explain with the help of an example. Also specify the five conditions that a view must meet in order to allow the updates.

Q5:  With the help of an example, explain how knowledge representation can be done through Semantic Network.

Q6: Consider the following 3 tables

Write the relational algebraic expressions/queries for the following operations:

(i) Find all painters who have painted in GAL_NUM:4.
(ii) Find all paintings of Gallery whose rate is > 1000.
(iii) Find the Gallery in which painter 'Ramesh' has  displayed his paintings.
(iv) Find the number of paintings displayed in Gallery owned by 'Shyam'.

Q7: Explain the concepts of Generalization and Specialization with examples.

Q8: Mention the features of OODBMS and give four advantages of it.

Q9: What are the general resistances faced by an organization while implementing DBMS tool ?
Explain at least four of them.

Q10: What is client/server computing ? Discuss the components of client/server computing.

Q11: Explain any three aggregate functions of SQL with an example for each.

Q12: Explain the structure of Index sequential file with the help of a diagram.

Q13: Explain briefly: Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and Object Linking & Embedding (OLE)

Q14: Illustrate the differences between hierarchical and network data models. Explain why relational data model is a better choice over the two.

Q15: Why is the concurrency control need ed ? Discuss with examples.

Q16: What is two phase locking protocol ? How does it guarantee serializability?

Q17: Consider the following relations:
        Emp(EmpNo, Ename, DNo, Sal)
        Dept(DeptNo, Dnarne, DMgrNo)
        Proj(ProjNo, ProjName, DNum)
        Works-on(EmpNo, PNo, Hrs)
Write appropriate queries in SQL and relational algebra for the following:

(i) Retrieve the names of all employees in a department who work for more than 10 hrs per week on 'Proj X' project

(ii)  Find the namesa nd addresseso f all employees who work for Research Department.

(iii) Find all the employees who do not work on any project.

(iv) Find all the employees who work on all projects of Department No. 5.

(v) For every project, list Project No, Dept No and the Department Manager's name, number and salary.

Q18: Explain the architecture of DBMS with the help of a diagram.

Q19: Access methods are measured by access and storage efficiencies. Define each term and its major objectives. Which is the most important consideration in a batch environment ? Give reasons.

Q20: What is log ? How can log be used to recover from failure ? How is log based recovery different from checkpoint recovery?

Q21: What are the different security policies ? Discuss any two of them.

Q22: Draw an ER diagram for a bank. Each bank can have multiple branches and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. List all the entities and relationships between them. Also list all the
constraints. State all the assumptions made.

Q23: Explain the different access strategies. State how the availability of such access aids influences query processing.

Q24: What is a timestamp ? How does the system generate timestamps ? Discuss the timestamp
ordering protocol for concurrency control.

Q25: Discuss the term Normalization. What are different normal forms. Explain BCNF and 5NF with examples.

Q26: Explain the concept of clustering and 8 secondary indexes with the help of an example.

Q27: Explain the concept of frame-based representation with the help of an example showing the frames and facets/slots.