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Information Systems and Applications Development (Set-1)

Information Systems & Applications Development 

Q1: Define coupling.

Q2: List all types of modules.

Q3: What is a feedback ?

Q4: Explain chronological code with example.

Q5: Explain chronological code with example.

Q6: What is physical design ?

Q7: Define term project proposal.

Q8: Give the difference between fault and failure.

Q9: What IS data conversion?

Q10: What IS record review ?

Q11: State advantage and disadvantage of HIPO.

Q12: Give the purpose of feasibility study.

Q13: What is DFD ? Give its utility in system development.

Q14: Write a note on system requirement analysis.

Q15: Describe general model of a system.

Q16: Give the advantage and disadvantage of decision table.

Q17: What is the goal of input design and output design?

Q18: What is a structure chart, how it is different from flowchart?

Q19: Define data validation. Give its objectives.

Q20: Short notes on user manual and conversation

Q21: Draw structure diagram for inventory system. You are required to provide requirement analysis
and module description.

Q22: What is documentation, why we need it ? Give its types.

Q23: What is testing, why it is needed? Give its types.

Q24: What is candidate system ? Give example.

Q25: Define logical cohesion and procedural cohesion.

Q26: Explain the term hash total and sequence check.

Q27: Define Dichotomous question and Ranking scales question.

Q28: What is background analysis ?

Q29: Which types of information are defined in RFP ?

Q30: Define subsystem.

Q31: Define system maintenance.

Q32: Specify the purpose of system testing. What performance criteria are used for system testing discuss ?

Q33: Explain system documentation and programming documentation in detail.

Q34: Explain different phases of Hardware selection.

Q35: Explain Warnier-Orr Diagram in detail with example.

Q36: Explain Fan in and Fan out in detail.

Q37: Discuss the steps involved in the feasibility study and explain how important the project team in feasibility study is.

Q38: What is structure chart ? Explain how it is better than flow chart.

Q39: Explain why maximum cohesion and minimum coupling leads to more maintainable system, what are the other attribute to design and influence the system maintainability?

Q40: What are the various fact-finding techniques? Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of each of them.

Q41: What is Stamp Coupling and Control Coupling?

Q42: Draw the structure diagram for inventory system. You are required to provide requirement analysis and module description.

Q43: Draw the structure chart and DFD for insurance system.