BCA Paper - Computer Networks - Question Set -1
Computer Networks
Question Set -1
Q1: Explain the following:
a. Handling of network errors caused by problems in transmission.
b. Major functions, or Error Controls.
c. Asynchronous transmission and Synchronous transmission.
d. Point - to- point Protocol (PPP).
e. Circuit and Packet Switching.
f. ISDN services BRI VS. PRI.
g. Baseband vs. Broadband.
h. Channel associated signaling vs, Common channel signaling
i. Fast and Least noisy communication medium.
j. Role of Modulation.
Q2: Though the ear can hear a wide spectrum of frequencies, what is the range of frequencies that form the analog voice channel generally used for communication engineering?
Q3: The signal is sampled at 16 KHz. Which of the following frequencies will get distorted during sampling and transmitting and Why: 16KHz, 8 KHz, 4 KHz, 2KHz
Q4: How does Dual Parenting operate in voice communication?
Q5: Which property of the carrier wave do we change in modulation technique?
Q6: Explain the advantages of dynamic routing over static routing.
Q7: What is ATM network? How does it differ from STM? What is packet switching? Explain how it is different from circuit switching?
Q8: What will be the frequency of a simple sine wave that completes one cycle in one microsecond?
Q9: Describe ATM reference model and its layered architecture.
Q10: Describe the brief role of each layer of OSI network model.
Q: Explain with examples, relationship of layers and addresses in OSI and TCP/IP. Q11: Explain four levels of addressing which arc used in an Internet employing the TCP /IP protocols.
Q12: What do you understand by the role of switching in communication? Explain with examples. how modern switching has evolved over time?
Q13: With reference to digital modulation, differentiate between ASK, FSK, PSK and QPSK.
Q14: Why is Multiplexing needed in networking and communication?
Q15: Differentiate between TDM, FDM and WDM Multiplexin.
Q16: Explain why and what are the tasks in PSTN while perfol1ning AD conversion of the signal?
Q17: What are SS7? Network Elements, its functions and layers mapping to OSI protocol?
Q18: What are the different data transmission modes and rates followed under European/Indian and American communication industry?
Q19: How we can represent digital data by using digital signals techniques of line coding block coding and scrambling?
Q20: Summarise various access control methods.
Q21: Explain network's sources of errors. prevention and error detection techniques.
Q22: Explain one-bit sliding window protocol.
Q23: Describe the requirement of error control in data link layer. Data link protocols almost always put CRC in trailer rather than in a header. Why?
Q24: Why is transport layer not present in the subnet? Explain.
Q25: Identify the range of IPv4 addresses spanned by classed A, B and C.
Q26: Explain ARP and RARP protocols and their significance.
Q27: Explain Leaky Bucket Algorithm.
Q28: What is the difference between flow control and congestion control? Describe TCP congestion control?
Q29: Explain the requirement and the process of fragmentation and reassembly in the network layer.
Q30: What is a virtual terminal? How does telnet work? Explain the standard.