BCA Paper - Computer Graphics (Set-1)
Computer Graphics
Q1: Explain the following:
- Raster 8can Display
- Homogenous Coordinates
- Primitive Instancing
- Regularized Boolean set operations
- Matrix representation of 2-D rotation
- Evolution multimedia and their storage devices
- Open uniform B-spline
- Tools for delivering multimedia on web
- Polygon mesh representation
- Use of multimedia
- Quadric surfaces
- Octree
Q3: Describe the use of Dreamweaver.
Q4: Explain cyrus beck algorithm for line clipping.
Q5: Differentiate the following;
- Beam Penetration method and shadow mask method
Q6: Describe steps to transform the object from window port to view port.
Q7: Describe the transformation used in magnifications and reduction with respect to the origin. Find the new coordinates of the triangle A(0,0), B(2,2), C(5A) after it has been:
- magnified twice its size
- reduced to half of its size
Q9: Prove that two scaling transformation commute i.e. S1S2 = S2S1
Q10: Give the properties of Bezier curves. For the cubic Bezier Curves (n= 3). Find all the blending functions and the Bezier matrix.
Q11: Explain boundary representation
Q12: Explain B spline curve by giving its properties consider, d=n=3 find out all the blending functions.
Q13: Explain winged edge representation.
Q14: What all qualities are required for all the team members of multimedia project team?
Q15: Give authoring tools for multimedia.
Q16: Give in detail the fonnation and working of CD.
Q17: Describe muttimedia highway.