BCA/MCA Paper: Software Testing
Software Testing
(Question Bank-1)Note: Questions appear in IP Univiersity/JIMS MCA Subject Paper.
Q1: What are the objectives of software testing? Can this objective be achieved 100%?
Q2: What are Test Matrices?
Q3: Why we use Decision Tables?
Q4: How do you measure Test effectiveness?
Q5: What is Localization Testing?
Q6: Explain case effect graphing.
Q7: Explain recovery testing with examples.
Q8: Explain Eng-to-End Testing.
Q9: What is the difference between re-testing and regression testing?
Q10: Why are static testing and dynamic testing described as complementary?
Q11: Explain object-oriented testing.
Q12: Explain the method of testing classes.
Q13: Explain the limitations of testing. Why is it so hard?
Q14: Explain the V shaped software Life Cycle Model of testing.
Q15: Will exhaustive testing guarantee that the program is 100% correct?
Q16: Explain the role of software testing during software life cycle and why is it so difficult.
Q17: Write a C program for finding the minimum and maximum out of three numbers and compute its cyclomatic complexity using all possible methods.
Q18: Explain cause-effect graphing technique. Why is it different from other functional techniques?
Q19: What is the difference between weak normal and strong normal equivalence class testing?
Q20: Write a program to calculate average of 10 numbers. Using data flow testing design all du-paths in this program.
Q21: What sort of test may be carried out during database testing? (
Q22:List and explain prioritization guidelines.
Q23: Explain with the help of an algorithm, the test first approach used to test an RDBMS.
Q24: What is the importance of stubs? Explain through an example.
Q25: Explain how object oriented testing is different from procedural testing? Explain with example.
Q26: Explain function oriented metrics and compare with size oriented metrics with examples.