BCA Semester 6 - Multimedia and Its Applications - HTML and widely Used Tags
HTML and widely Used Tags
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used to create web pages. This markup language is widely used in web browsers, and browser based applications to interpret and compose text, images, and other material into visual or audible content.
Hypertext refers to the way in which web pages are linked together. HTML markup—as well as other markup languages, such as SGML and XML—uses tags to surround document components that you wish to enhance.
HTML5 is the latest flavour of HTML language and it features a set of 120 tags to define a document.
HTML5 tags are widely categorized as:
1. Top level document Definition tags
2. HTML5 Content Organization and Document Publishing Tags
3. HTML5 HEAD Tags for Search Engine Optimization
4. HTML5 Tags to link external files
5. HTML5 tags to process Javascripts and CSS
6. HTML Navigation Tags - Anchor Tags
7. HTML5 Multimedia Tags - Audio and Video support
8. HTML Semantic Tags
9. HTML Tables
10. HTML Forms
11. HTML5 Canvas and Animation Support (WebGL)
Typical HTML Document tags uses following tags:
Tag | Description |
<!DOCType html> | first tag in the HTML5 document is |
html | It encloses the complete html document and contains all other html tags. |
head | Represents document header. |
title | Tag used inside head tag and defines title of the document. |
body | represents document body and keeps other html tags. |
h1...h6 | Represents different headings. |
p | Defines paragraph tag. |
Here is the list of widely used formatting and publishing tags:
Tag | Description |
p | Specifies a paragraph of text content |
pre | Specifies pre-formatted text content |
abbr | Specifies an abbreviation |
b | Specifies the bold style for the text |
i | Specifies the italics style for the text |
u | Specifies the underline style for the text |
br | Specifies a line break (new line) |
wbr | Specifies a word break opportunity for long words |
small | Specifies a small text style for that text content |
sub | Specifies subscript text style for text content |
sup | Specifies superscript text style for text content |
bdi | Specifies bidirectional isolation for text content |
bdo | Specifies bidirectional override on text direction |
q | Specifies a short quotation for the document |
blockquote | Specifies a long (block) quotation for document |
cite | Defines a title (citation) for a published work |
data | Specifies human-readable and machine-readable data |
del | Specifies text content which has been deleted |
ins | Specifies text content which has been inserted |
Image and Other Media support tags:
<img> Media tag to display digital image(jpg, png, gif, webm)
<audio> tag is used to include audio asset (mp3, ogg, wav etc.) in html document. It also includes audio transport user interface (e.g. autoplay, loop)
<video> tag to include various video assets e.g. mp4, ogg, mov, avi...
<svg> tag is used to include vector based illustration files.
<canvas> tag is used along with Javascript API to represent drawings and animations.