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GGSIPU BTech Computer Science - Semester 7 - Advanced Networks - End Term Examination Paper December 2019 (#ipumusings)(#ggsipu)

Advanced Networks - End Term Examination Paper December 2019

GGSIPU BTech Computer Science - Semester 7

GGSIPU BTech Computer Science - Semester 7 - Advanced Networks - End Term Examination Paper December 2019 (#ipumusings)(#ggsipu)

The Objective of the subject is to understand different network protocols with emphasis on TCP/IP protocol suite.

Networking technologies have become an integral part of everyday life, which has led to a dramatic increase in the number of professions where it is important to understand network technologies. TCP/IP Protocol Suite teaches students and professionals, with no prior knowledge of TCP/IP, everything they need to know about the subject. This comprehensive book uses hundreds of figures to make technical concepts easy to grasp, as well as many examples, which help tie the material to the real-world. The second edition of TCP/IP Protocol Suite has been fully updated to include all of the recent technology changes in the field. Many new chapters have been added such as one on Mobile IP, Multimedia and Internet, Network Security, and IP over ATM. Additionally, out-of-date material has been overhauled to reflect recent changes in technology.

Here is the prescribed text book.

Here is the End Term Examination Question Paper (Dec 2019)