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Software Engineering (Set -1)

Q1: What is modularity? List the important properties of a modular system.

Q2: What are crucial process steps of requirement engineering? Discuss with the help of a diagram.

Q3: What is risk exposure? What techniques can be used to control each risk?

Q4: What is software testing? Discuss the role of software testing during software life cycle and why is it so difficult?

Q5: Define software metrics. Why do we really need metrics in software?

Q6: What is the aim of software engineering? What does the discipline of software engineering discuss?

Q7: Describe spiral model in detail. What are the limitations of such a model?

Q8: Compare iterative enhancement model and evolutionary process mode.

Q9: What do you understand with the term "requirements elicitation"? Discuss any TWO techniques in detail.

Q10: Describe any two software size estimation techniques.

Q11: Discuss various types of COCOMO mode. Explain the phase wise distribution of effort.

Q12: Explain briefly Putnam Model. Describe the trade-off between time versus cost in Putnam resource allocation model.

Q13: What is risk? Is it economical to do risk management?

Q14: Compute the function point value for a project with the following information domain characteristics:
       Number of user inputs       = 24
       Number of user outputs     = 65
        Number of user enquiries = 12
                        Number of files = 12
 Number of external interfaces = 4
Assume that all weighting and complexity adjustment values are moderate.

Q15: Describe the various strategies of design. Which design strategy is most popular and practical?

Q16: What are the various categories of software mctncs? Discuss with the help of suitable example.

Q17: What are software metrics? Describe data structure metrics.

Q18: Define module coupling and explain different types of coupling.

Q19: What are the various kinds of functional testing? Describe any One in detail.

Q20: Describe various maintenance cost estimation models.

Q21: What is software maintenance? Describe various categories of maintenance. Which category consumes maximum effort and why?

Q22: Consider the program to find the median of three numbers. Its input is a triple of positive integers (say x, y and z) and values are from interval [100, 500]. Generate boundary and robust test cases.

Q23: What is the purpose of integration testing? How is it done?

Q24: What is software crisis? List the reasons for software crisis?

Q25: Explain different steps of requirements engineering process with the help of a suitable diagram?

Q26: List the five desirable characteristics of a good SRS document?

Q27: Discuss the prototype model for software development. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Q28: Draw a DFD & ER diagram for a library management system. Make suitable assumptions.

Q29: What are various activities during software project planning?

Q30: Give Halstead's software science measures for
       (i) Program length
       (ii) Program volume
       (iii) Effort
       (iv) Program level

Q31: Define module cohesion and explain various types of module cohesion.

Q32: Differentiate between the following:
       (i) White box testing & black box testing
       (ii) Integration testing &'system testing

Q33:  What is reverse engineering? Discuss different levels of reverse engineering.

Q34: Differentiate between the function testing & structural testing. Explain one functional testing technique and one structural testing technique.

Q35: Write a note on configuration management.

Q36: There is a requirement raised to design a software for "Computer Peripherals and software -
complaint monitoring system" for MIS department of a University which provides services for its systems. The system allows recording of all the complaints and assigning them to concerned Engineers for servicing them. It produces daily listing of complaints division wise and pending complaints also.
(a) Develop a SRS for this system. Make suitable assumptions and list them.
(b) Design DFD's upto 2-levels
(c) Identify the s/w modules and their relative functions.
(d) Draw an ERD with the various components.
(e) Suggest a testing strategy for any one of the s/w modules selected in (c). Give valid reason for your selection.